When you’ve done everything from watering, weeding, down to edging but still can’t get the lawn that you want, you must be doing something wrong. Check out the most common lawn care mistakes that homeowners make and how to avoid them:
Lawn Care Tips
A lot of people think that it’s just natural to water your lawn every day or at least every other day. If you’re one of the many individuals who think watering frequently makes good grass, you’re dead wrong. As a matter of fact, watering too frequently stimulates shallow root growth. This means grass won’t be extending its roots down into the soil in search of water since it can find this resource on the surface. Although watering your lawn can keep it green, it won’t be able to easily adapt to harsh weather. Grass needs to develop longer reaching roots to get the nutrients it needs, which is found deep within the soil. It’s best to not have a watering pattern at all to give your lawn some versatility. However, there are hours in the day that’s best for watering your lawn.
A common lawn care Myrtle Beach mistake that people make when watering plants is the timeframe at which they are doing it. Watering your lawn somewhere in between 10 AM to 4 PM doesn’t do any good. Watering during this period means around 20-30 percent of the water will simply evaporate and most of the water just goes down into the soil. The most effective time to water your lawn is somewhere around 2 AM to 9 AM. This gives the leaves of the grass enough time to dry and photosynthesize during the day. So time your sprinklers at the said period for a better-looking lawn.
It’s good practice to trim your lawn. Lawn maintenance is an integral part in keeping a lush green lawn. However, mowing too close to the ground will not yield the best results. Cutting off too much of the grass blades can hinder development. When mowing, check and set your blades so that it will only remove just a third of the length of grass blades. Hiring lawn care service helps homeowners sort out this dilemma quickly. Cutting the grass too short would divert energy that’s supposed to help in the development of strong roots and stems. Here are some blade height recommendations for mowing different lawn types:
- 1 – 2 inches for Bermuda grass
- 1/2 – 1 ½ inch for Hybrid Bermuda
- 2 ½ – 4 inches for St. Augustine
- 3 – 3 ½ inches for Tall Fescue
- 1 – 2 inches for Centipede
- 1 – 2 inches for Zoysia
If you think the sharpness of the mowing blades is irrelevant, it’s totally wrong. Mowing blades need to be sharp at all times. Dull blades can leave rugged cuts and stunt grass growth. It will also give your grass a whitish cast. Always remember to sharpen your blades or replace them with new ones each year or whenever necessary. It’s easy to notice when your blades are going dull when your lawn mower won’t just glide through your lawn. Check your blades at all times before taking your mower out for a spin. You may also hire lawn care if you want to have it done professionally.
A lot of homeowners are oblivious to the fact that different lawn types require specific amounts fertilizers to help them grow. For instance, Bermuda requires higher nitrogen content at 3-4 pounds for every 1000 square feet annually. Meanwhile, Centipede grass only needs 1 pound of nitrogen each year for every 1000 square feet.
There’s also a correct time to fertilize your lawn. For warm-season grass, it’s recommended that they are fertilized when they are completely green in spring. For cool-season grass, it’s the other way around. When applying the fertilizer, be sure to water it down once it has all been laid out. This ensures even coverage throughout your lawn.
If you’ve got trouble or need help with your lawn, call Conner’s Lawn Care Service and we’ll be happy to serve you.
Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC