Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Lawn Care Tips: How to Control Ants in Lawns

Although ants aren’t considered to be dangerous pests, they can cause significant damage to turf grass. It is important to control ants in lawns where they cause root damage and unappealing mounds. Such colony insects can come in huge numbers, creating intricate labyrinths within the grass roots. Here are some lawn care tips you need to know.

Foot travelers as well as mower blades may be at risk from ant hills in the grass. Understanding pest control for ants in the lawns starts with information about the soil and preferences of these insects, as well as a concerted effort at destroying their nests.

Lawn Care and Ant Hills

These fascinating insects aren’t just concerned about the mounds and hills made by ant colonies. Many species are interested in ranching and will help their local honeydew supply by “farming” aphids or mealybugs.

The honeydew-like substance produced by mealybugs or aphids, is a delicate food for ants. A colony of ants from farming can cause serious damage to your vegetables and ornamental plants. They are the preferred food source for mealybugs as well as aphids. You can reduce the number of these pest insects by controlling ants on your lawn.

Ants love well-drained soil that is unaffected by high traffic. Although they aren’t stinging, lawn dwelling ants are usually not an issue. However, some species can damage grassroots and cause large dead patches.

An additional problem is the presence of ant hills in the grass. These can grow to be large enough to cause a trip hazard and make it difficult for you and your family members to mow. Raking will be an important part of lawn care for low populations. Raking out the hills will help reduce the number of hardened mounds and scatter them. This is a simple Carolina Forest  lawn care task that can be done weekly from fall through summer.

How to naturally control ants in lawns

Because ants are social creatures, they can live in very small areas. The size and problems associated with ants will vary from one ant colony to another. You must take steps to eliminate ants from your lawn if you find large numbers of them.

It is difficult to kill ants on your landscaping because pets and children use the area as play space and for traversing the garden. For an infestation, you can spray the area with a solution of dish soap and water.

You can also try diatomaceous Earth or a sugar water spray. The best way to deal with an infestation is to live alongside these beneficial insects unless it is extremely troublesome. The larvae of lawn pests are eaten by most ants. This is a win for grass lovers.

Chemicals to Kill Ants on Your Lawn

Spot treatment is the best way to kill ants. Spot application is the best method to kill ants because they tend to focus in a narrow area. This allows for spot control to be applied and reduces damage to beneficial insects that also call the grass their home.

Spray or granular forms are available. Apply the chemical according to the label. Granular forms need to be activated with water so it is best that you irrigate the area after applying the chemical. Children and pets should wait until the area is dry before entering the toxic zone.

Ants can be both a blessing and a curse. Before you resort to chemical solutions to treat your lawn, consider the severity of your problem. They can also be natural pest control, increasing the soil tilth and acting as wild aerators to loosen the dirt around roots and enhance growth.

Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service now if you need the help of an expert in taking care of your lawn.

Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC

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