Did you know that the biggest lawn care mistake that you have to avoid is mowing your grass too short? Many people think that cutting their lawn too short means it’ll be a while before they need to do it again, thus reducing their chores. The truth is, you will just be buying a few extra days between mowings if you use this method and your lawn will pay a heavy price for it.
Lawn Care: Why you should cut the lawn too short
A lawn that’s been cut to one inches is a beautiful sight to see, at least for a little while. However, this kind of mowing will put a great amount of stress on your lawn’s grass. Every grass blade is a leaf and with less leaf area, the grass will have less surface area for photosynthesis which is needed for flower and leaf development.
Lawn Care: Mowing Properly
The solution for this problem is very easy. All you need to do is mow as high as you can tolerate. Many homeowners settle at a three-and-a-half-inch height for their turf. It may seem a little shaggy in the beginning but it is actually a good lawn maintenance practice.
Mowing your turf to this height once every week is going to ease the stress on the plants and provide you with a healthier lawn. It is even better to use a mulching lawnmower. It returns the clippings to your lawn which saves work and offers you a different source of organic matter for your lawn.
Also, a longer lawn means there are more leaf blades, which is beneficial. More leaf blade implies that there will be more photosynthesis, which will result in stronger, more prolific shoots and root growth. This, in return, will mean that the plant will be able to resist stresses like heat, insect infestation, and drought. Healthier turf plans result in a denser lawn that would crowd out the weeds. Longer grass could also hide thin and patchy areas in your lawn.
In most cases, homeowners react to weeds by assuming that they need to use chemicals right away. If you ask experts in lawn care in Myrtle Beach, this is not actually true. Weeds often grow out of lawns that have been stressed because they’ve been mowed too short. The simple solution is to let the grass grow a bit longer in height.
Now that you know that having a longer lawn is much healthier than a lawn with a crew cut, you still need to avoid going to extremes. This does not mean that you can allow the grass to grow as long as eight inches in height between mowings. Most lawn care companies suggest cutting one-third of the total length of the blades of the grass at most. Also, remember that too many clippings on your lawn could create a mat on the lawn that could prevent sunlight from reaching the grass blade and it will mar the lawn’s appearance.
Call Conner’s Lawn Care Service if you need expert help in maintaining your lawn to make sure that it doesn’t just look great but also healthy.
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Conner’s Lawn Care Service
Myrtle Beach, SC
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